Identifying the Color of Your Hedgehog |
*Hedgehogs can only be accurately identified on the color spectrum when they are full grown (around 6 months). Originally White Bellied and Algerian distinctions were actual color differences, back when the two species had not been as hybridized. It was visible in things like the white on the quills (whether it was a true white or more of a cream), mottling on the underside, some variations in the colors themselves, cheek patches, etc. White bellied and Algerian distinctions are no longer relevant, since the two species have been almost completely hybridized.
Base Color
Identify the base color. The base color is determined by looking at the skin between the shoulder blades, the mask, ears, and the mottling. The different base colors are as follows:
High Pinto
A high pinto patterned hedgehog has mostly white quills, with a some patches of banded quills. They are different from a reverse pinto. Reverse pintos have no pigment on the face, ears, or feet, while high pintos can have pigment in any/all of those places. |